
If you have a new puppy at your home, consider protecting it by contacting a fence contractor. Click here to learn about pet-friendly fences.

Eager To Improve Your Yard Before Having A Party? 3 Reasons To Consider Fencing

19 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you're interested in throwing parties at your home more often and want your backyard to be the primary location, there are many reasons to get fencing installed. Fencing can add extra privacy to your yard and look great, but you may still be apprehensive to get a fence installed. If this is the case, consider the following reasons why having fencing installed can be a smart decision before hosting a party in your yard. Read More …

3 Keys For Buying Residential Fences

1 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

To get the best from a professional fence installation, you will want to contact a contractor that can assist you with the work. By reaching out to contractors who specialize in residential fences,  they can provide you with the work that you need for a brand new installation as well as some repairs and maintenance. Capitalize on the tips issued below so that you can keep your residential fence durable and protective of your property. Read More …

Adopting A Weimaraner? A Fence Surrounding Your Backyard Is A Must-Have! Here’s Why

3 July 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you ask any Weimaraner owner about the breed, they will likely tell you that the breed is like no other. They may even say that Weimaraners think they are human. Weimaraners are smart, and they are ranked 11th for intelligence out of 36 dog breeds. Neither of these aspects can keep this regal breed from getting into trouble and committing Weim-crimes, which is a loving term used by Weimaraner owners. Read More …

3 Different Wood Fence Options With A Unique Look For A Contemporary Style

24 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Contemporary home designs create some unique challenges when it comes to choosing materials. Fences around contemporary homes are also a difficult decision. Wood is a great fence material that you will want to use if you want to blend aspects of your home into the natural surroundings. Traditional wood fences do not fit with contemporary home designs, so here are some unique wood fence solutions that you will want to choose from for your fence: Read More …

Live Too Close To Your Neighbors? Two Types Of Privacy Fences You Can Use

15 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If your neighbor's house is too close to your own house you may feel boxed in and it may seem like your neighbors can see everything you do. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to separate your property from theirs to give you some privacy. One of these things is installing a privacy fence. There are many types available, two of which are listed below. Wood Fence                                                   Read More …

About Me
Protecting a Furry Friend

After marrying my amazing husband, I moved into the brick ranch home he already owned. At first, the move was extremely stressful. None of my friends or family members lived nearby. After a couple of lonely years at my new home, a stray puppy showed up at my grandmother’s doorstep while I was visiting her. Immediately, I became attached to this adorable black dog. After talking with my husband, I brought the puppy home with me. One day, this energetic puppy disappeared from our unfenced backyard. I became frantic with fear. Thankfully, we found our furry friend at a neighbor’s home. If you have a new puppy at your home, consider protecting it by contacting a fence contractor. On this blog, you will discover the most pet friendly types of fences on the market today.
